I just came to the realization that no matter how many resolutions you promise to yourself, or how many people you say you’re going to cut off in the New Year, or how much your life is going to change when the clock strikes 12….it usually doesn’t. I just don’t understand why you would wait until January 1, 2011 to change what you think is wrong with your life. I’m sorry but no magical genie is going to appear at midnight an grant you some wishes. If you really want to make a change why not do it now???!?!
I’m not knocking resolutions or anything like that but I’ve lived through 23 New Years now and nothing apocalyptic has happened just yet. I’m just saying if you say you gonna stop talking to Ray Ray in the New Year, why you be with that man on December 31st talking about 5…4….3….2…a New Year’s kiss is never that imperative. If you say you’re going to look for a new job in 2011, why haven’t you put in your 2 weeks notice or updated your resume yet!?! You say you want a new hair style in 2011 yet you got that same old high bun clipside come that New Years Eve party.
I say this all to say that nothing is really going to change from Friday to Saturday except you need a new wall calendar. If you want to make a change do it now, no time like the present people.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Daily Insigt: Merry Christmas
What can I say about this moment I am so happy and so full of life right now. Surrounded by family all my friends are in my heart egg nog is in my system Christmas tunes are blasting and there are enough presents under the tree to last a lifetime...I'm blessed :) Merry Christmas
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Daily Insight: Pot of Gold
My friends have been on point with the insights they have been sending me lately so I decided to share the wealth. Todays insight is by a good friend of mine we will refer to as Lisa Turtle. She is one of the most hilariously classic people I know and this insight will tell you why I say that! I mean this is the same chick that gave me a mustache in a snow globe for Christmas! You might not get the joke but I CRY every time I see it! Without further ado:
Tis’ the season for giving … but not too much giving! A wise man once said “He who has the gold, make the rules.” BUT an even WISER man once said, “SHE who has the gold, makes the rules!” And that pot of gold I am referring to is your “goodies”.
To some it might seem primitive to equate sex to gold but if you take a sec to think about it now-a-days it is used as a bargaining tool for buying, selling and trading purposes. As my friend would say “People over here selling it on the black market getting pennies on the dollar.”
The point being know your worth … know just how much gold you have in your pot. The more you give it away for free the less valuable it becomes. The single most sought after commodity for ALL men (straight men) must have some power, because all men want POWER!
Some of us may be more giving than others and that’s okay, just make sure you always have enough in your savings account so you don’t lose your self worth. AND others may not be giving at all, that’s ok too but REMEMBER scared money don’t make money so don’t just sit there and collect dust on it either.
With this being said let’s bring in the new year with a FRESH START, beginning with making proper edits on who you choose to let dip their hands in the pot. Be sure that person would be willing to share there most prized possession with you as well.
-Lisa Turtle
Tis’ the season for giving … but not too much giving! A wise man once said “He who has the gold, make the rules.” BUT an even WISER man once said, “SHE who has the gold, makes the rules!” And that pot of gold I am referring to is your “goodies”.
To some it might seem primitive to equate sex to gold but if you take a sec to think about it now-a-days it is used as a bargaining tool for buying, selling and trading purposes. As my friend would say “People over here selling it on the black market getting pennies on the dollar.”
The point being know your worth … know just how much gold you have in your pot. The more you give it away for free the less valuable it becomes. The single most sought after commodity for ALL men (straight men) must have some power, because all men want POWER!
Some of us may be more giving than others and that’s okay, just make sure you always have enough in your savings account so you don’t lose your self worth. AND others may not be giving at all, that’s ok too but REMEMBER scared money don’t make money so don’t just sit there and collect dust on it either.
With this being said let’s bring in the new year with a FRESH START, beginning with making proper edits on who you choose to let dip their hands in the pot. Be sure that person would be willing to share there most prized possession with you as well.
-Lisa Turtle
Monday, December 20, 2010
Daily Insight: Something Different by Smiddy
Todays daily insight is taken verbatim from a friend of mine. I have quoted her a few times before on here so we will continue to call her L. Smiddy. Warning she does write phonetically so if you see something spelled weird just imagine it with a crazy accent and that's how it's being said lol.
"As I walked in this morning...I SEEN a woman with a classic black turtle neck on (MY FAV!) EXCEPT hers has some ol gray ELBOW pads on the sleve!! I was like ohh Snizzap!!!
Its never bad to throw some seasoning on a chicken, never bad to add sugar and milk to coffee...SO FEEL free to spice up ur STYLE or LIFE AS A WHOLE! Bc its Just mOE FUn!! AND LIKE MY MAN SAID... IF ANY1 hate, ledddumm hate AND WATCH THE MONEY PILLLEE UPP! Happy MONDAY! GO HARD! OVER AND OUT!"
"As I walked in this morning...I SEEN a woman with a classic black turtle neck on (MY FAV!) EXCEPT hers has some ol gray ELBOW pads on the sleve!! I was like ohh Snizzap!!!
Its never bad to throw some seasoning on a chicken, never bad to add sugar and milk to coffee...SO FEEL free to spice up ur STYLE or LIFE AS A WHOLE! Bc its Just mOE FUn!! AND LIKE MY MAN SAID... IF ANY1 hate, ledddumm hate AND WATCH THE MONEY PILLLEE UPP! Happy MONDAY! GO HARD! OVER AND OUT!"
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Daily Insight: Past Predicting The Future
A wise man once said “your guards up, our heart’s cold this might be the one but you will never know, you’re holding onto pain from so long ago, you gotta let it go, you gotta let it go, and I promise you’re gonna find love.” I feel as though everyone at some point is hurt like they never thought was gonna happen to them. And they just say eff it and throw up their hands to everything, only to protect themselves. But think about it what if every time something didn’t go as planned you just gave up?
What if Patrick Ewing quit the damn NBA when he missed that wide open finger roll for the win in the playoffs?! I know it’s hard to imagine, but the Knicks might have been a whole hell of a lot worse throughout the 90’s. What if you hold the door for someone, and their rude asses don’t say thanks?! Are you gonna slam the door on that little old lady that might be coming up behind you next time?? What if Mike would’ve said “oh hell naw this is for the birds,” when his Jheri Curl caught on fire at that Pepsi commercial?!? We probably wouldn’t have anything to dance to and no one of Usher, Chris Brown, Neyo ect to bite off of!
I know I’m going on a tangent, but I’m saying that to say that when things don’t go exactly how you planned them to you can’t write off everything and everyone else. All you’re doing is blocking what future blessings God may have in store for you.
I believe Teedra when she sings, and she ended this song with “a heart that's pure won't be denied, the kinda lovin' that'll rock ya, The kinda lovin' that'll keep ya, Hold ya for a lifetime.” I damn sure ain’t tryna miss that kinda loving so I won’t let the past get in the way of my future.
What if Patrick Ewing quit the damn NBA when he missed that wide open finger roll for the win in the playoffs?! I know it’s hard to imagine, but the Knicks might have been a whole hell of a lot worse throughout the 90’s. What if you hold the door for someone, and their rude asses don’t say thanks?! Are you gonna slam the door on that little old lady that might be coming up behind you next time?? What if Mike would’ve said “oh hell naw this is for the birds,” when his Jheri Curl caught on fire at that Pepsi commercial?!? We probably wouldn’t have anything to dance to and no one of Usher, Chris Brown, Neyo ect to bite off of!
I know I’m going on a tangent, but I’m saying that to say that when things don’t go exactly how you planned them to you can’t write off everything and everyone else. All you’re doing is blocking what future blessings God may have in store for you.
I believe Teedra when she sings, and she ended this song with “a heart that's pure won't be denied, the kinda lovin' that'll rock ya, The kinda lovin' that'll keep ya, Hold ya for a lifetime.” I damn sure ain’t tryna miss that kinda loving so I won’t let the past get in the way of my future.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Daily Insight: Wiggly Feeling
This topic is something that is quite near and dear to my heart. No ladies and gentlemen, not sarcasm, not my friends, not my family, but……..the damn WIGGLY feeling. Now I know some of you are reading this asking yourselves what is the wiggly feeling?? A friend of mine defined the wiggly feeling as that warm and fuzzy feeling you get when you meet someone new you really begin to like. You get butterflies in your stomach when you’re around them, can’t stop giggling at something that’s not that damn funny, this person is all of a sudden hilllaDious (yes hilarious with a D, that same friend pointed out when you laugh at a mans jokes that you like they all of a sudden become Martin Lawrence and your jaw drops when you say hilarious) and you’re basically walking on sunshine. Welcome to the land of the wiggly feeling. I’ve felt it, you’ve felt I, your parents have felt it and everyone will at some point in their lives.
A wise man once said “I heat up and I, I can't come down, swear I'm spinnin, I'm on a merry-go-round, and I picked up a joy to my face, my heart beats faster than a regular pace, and I'm not sure of what it is, I asked my mother to help me with it, and she said ‘Daughter, you reached a jones - And that's real lovin, so carry on’” Now Tweet’s Momma might have called it a jones but we all know what she was referring to. My question is why don’t we all heed that advice? Why is it when that wiggly feeling creeps up on us, we shy away?
I know in the past that I have been kind of scared of the wiggly feeling. I’m not trying to trip and fall in love with a person that may not be what I need at that point in my life. Or I may not feel as though that person feels the same way. But at the end of the day I’m no Nostradamus I can’t see into the future, and last time I checked neither can you. How are you ever going to figure out what a wiggly feeling leads to if you don’t “carry on?”
Not everything is going to work out, and believe when it happens to you you avoid that wiggly feeling at all costs. But we don’t live in bubbles for a reason. These things are meant to be felt, and meant to be experienced. So next time you feel that wiggly feeling up, go ahead and drop that jaw to call someone hilaDious, you won’t regret it. After all that's pre loving so carry on :)
A wise man once said “I heat up and I, I can't come down, swear I'm spinnin, I'm on a merry-go-round, and I picked up a joy to my face, my heart beats faster than a regular pace, and I'm not sure of what it is, I asked my mother to help me with it, and she said ‘Daughter, you reached a jones - And that's real lovin, so carry on’” Now Tweet’s Momma might have called it a jones but we all know what she was referring to. My question is why don’t we all heed that advice? Why is it when that wiggly feeling creeps up on us, we shy away?
I know in the past that I have been kind of scared of the wiggly feeling. I’m not trying to trip and fall in love with a person that may not be what I need at that point in my life. Or I may not feel as though that person feels the same way. But at the end of the day I’m no Nostradamus I can’t see into the future, and last time I checked neither can you. How are you ever going to figure out what a wiggly feeling leads to if you don’t “carry on?”
Not everything is going to work out, and believe when it happens to you you avoid that wiggly feeling at all costs. But we don’t live in bubbles for a reason. These things are meant to be felt, and meant to be experienced. So next time you feel that wiggly feeling up, go ahead and drop that jaw to call someone hilaDious, you won’t regret it. After all that's pre loving so carry on :)
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Daily Insight: Planting The Seeds
A good friend of mine and I were sitting around the pool soaking up the sun in Cabo San Lucas. We were talking our usual ish about relationships and what we were looking for at this point in our lives. She turned to me and said “When it comes to what I’m looking for in a mate, I’m a seed planter; I plant seeds and watch it grow.” It got me to ask the question to myself.
“Are you a seed planter Johnny Appleseed type, or are you more like Paul Bunyon in the hood looking to climb an already established tree?!” Now obviously I’m not talking evergreens literally here. For example are you the type to put a lot into a relationship or a person, and never really leave that person? Kinda dabble around here and there but you still watering that Charlie Brown ass Christmas tree. (If you’ve never seen a Charlie Brown Christmas tree please google it..it’s hilarious). You know you have it there so when you decide that this person has grown into what you’re looking for you set up shop under said tree.
Once upon a time I was all about planting the seed, finding a diamond in the rough, and molding said person into someone I could see myself with. These days, NOT SO DAMN MUCH. Not to say that I have a list of qualities that are set in stone like the 10 Commandments, but I honestly don’t have time to turn a hoodrat into a housewife.
I’m more or less looking to scale a full grown Seqouia, already established with some roots down. Some people like my friend are still willing to plant a couple of seedlings and see which one grows the fastest. So I challenge you to ask yourself are you a Johnny Appleseed type or are you not? Only tree I’m looking to plant is a money tree. As a wise man once said “I’m 23 with a money tree, growing faster now I just planted a hundred seeds.”
“Are you a seed planter Johnny Appleseed type, or are you more like Paul Bunyon in the hood looking to climb an already established tree?!” Now obviously I’m not talking evergreens literally here. For example are you the type to put a lot into a relationship or a person, and never really leave that person? Kinda dabble around here and there but you still watering that Charlie Brown ass Christmas tree. (If you’ve never seen a Charlie Brown Christmas tree please google it..it’s hilarious). You know you have it there so when you decide that this person has grown into what you’re looking for you set up shop under said tree.
Once upon a time I was all about planting the seed, finding a diamond in the rough, and molding said person into someone I could see myself with. These days, NOT SO DAMN MUCH. Not to say that I have a list of qualities that are set in stone like the 10 Commandments, but I honestly don’t have time to turn a hoodrat into a housewife.
I’m more or less looking to scale a full grown Seqouia, already established with some roots down. Some people like my friend are still willing to plant a couple of seedlings and see which one grows the fastest. So I challenge you to ask yourself are you a Johnny Appleseed type or are you not? Only tree I’m looking to plant is a money tree. As a wise man once said “I’m 23 with a money tree, growing faster now I just planted a hundred seeds.”
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Daily Insight: Memories
I'm literally sitting on a plane right now with some of my best friends, on our way to Cabo San Lucas Mexico. I'm not saying this to say haha I'm going to be tanning while y'all are freezing. More like these are the moments that turn into memories.
A wise man once said "The most fragile part of me nurses our strongest connection. You live in my memory.." Yes I know quite eloquent huh? The "Floacist" as she called herself from Floetry was speaking of a man in her life, but I believe this can apply to any aspect of your life.
I have memories going back to the Ninja Turtle water bottle that I turned brown by making iced tea straight in the water bottle when I was like 4. Or exactly where I was when the first plane hit the tower on 9-11-2001. To the feeling I felt when my heart was broken for the first time. And even my sisters elaborate stories about how I was adopted and she was an only child until I came along.
Now personally I remember everything the good and the bad, but their my memories. The memories I look back on to make me smile and laugh, and sometimes reflect and cry.
I say this to say only you can create the memories that will stay with you for a lifetime so make sure they count. I know I'm about to make some more memories as soon as this plane takes off :).
A wise man once said "The most fragile part of me nurses our strongest connection. You live in my memory.." Yes I know quite eloquent huh? The "Floacist" as she called herself from Floetry was speaking of a man in her life, but I believe this can apply to any aspect of your life.
I have memories going back to the Ninja Turtle water bottle that I turned brown by making iced tea straight in the water bottle when I was like 4. Or exactly where I was when the first plane hit the tower on 9-11-2001. To the feeling I felt when my heart was broken for the first time. And even my sisters elaborate stories about how I was adopted and she was an only child until I came along.
Now personally I remember everything the good and the bad, but their my memories. The memories I look back on to make me smile and laugh, and sometimes reflect and cry.
I say this to say only you can create the memories that will stay with you for a lifetime so make sure they count. I know I'm about to make some more memories as soon as this plane takes off :).
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