Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Daily Insight: The Curse Of Eve

Women have to deal with a lot. Between cramps, runs in panty hoes, spanx, and bra underwire I'm sure we are the species that has it the hardest. With all that said there's something especially hard to deal with, that I'm sure is a curse handed down to us specifically from the Almighty cause Eve just had to bite that damn apple.

That curse is the curse of dwelling on something and thinking about it over and over until the point of madness. Ask any woman if this curse has ever haunted her and I'm sure she will say yes.

This may occur when she tells the Dominican hairstylist to go ahead and spray that extra oil sheen in her hair...and regrets this decision when she's walking around looking like Steven Segal for a week.

Or this may occur when she sees those cute shoes in her size but decides to do the responsible thing and wait until it goes on sale, and comes back to find that every other biddie in the tri-state area wasn't being as frugal and she can't find her size anywhere.

But this is most prevalent in the case of "should of said this, should of done that" when it comes to affairs of the heart. I'm sure Aphrodite the Goddess of love had it out for us child bearing beings when it came to the emotion of love. There's always going to be those times where you spend time with, or talk to a person who has that special effect on you...and something may go wrong, or everything goes right. Either way you spend every waking moment of the next couple of days thinking and rethinking of what you could of said or should of done to make this person feel where you're coming from.

Believe me I suffer from it too..and no matter how many other distractions you have your mind always wanders back to the "should I of told him how I felt? What if I didn't say this? What if I did this?" Nothing will take those questions away...

You just have to be settled in the fact that you're not the only one thinking this way. Eve did it to all of us.
