Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Daily Insight: Rearview Mirror

A wise man once said "there's a reason your rearview mirror is so much smaller than you's because you're supposed to be looking forward not back.." This came from a sort of random source but it rings so true in so many situations!

When you run into that old boyfriend that just meant so much to you, and exchange might glance into that rearview mirror, but where is that going to take you?? Newsflash ya'll ain't 17 anymore. When you come back home from college and you're not satisfied hugging the block...don't be surprised you shouldn't be you're looking into the windshield. When you look back on your younger pictures and have that "what the hell was I thinking" should know that you will never go back to that anyway.

The windshield represents the future and until a time machine is invented the past is something that will stay in the past. So go ahead and adjust that rearview mirror to be able to learn from the past but make sure you keep your eyes on the road.


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