A wise man once said "everyone that you encounter in life is there for a reason or a season.." So I can interpret this in many different ways but I am going for the ratchet interpretation today :).
I was talking to a friend on the phone the other day and I came to realize some people especially her ass don't really allow biddies to leave her life when their reason has been fulfilled or their season is up.
On that note if you're going to file people in the Rolodex (old school rotating phone book) of life for certain purposes they serve make sure you at least file them correctly.
If you're looking to have a deep conversation don't go looking for a biddie to call up under "K" for Ken Doll..you'll find no more than some arm candy.
If you're looking to bring a date to Thanksgiving dinner don't go looking to call up under "H" for Hood reggin because you'll have to explain to your family why your date is hovering over his food eating like he's in a chow hall.
If you're looking for consistent company don't go looking under "J" for jet setter than biddie is on the other side of the country unless you like Skype that damn much.
If you're looking to do some spring cleaning specifically cleaning out some cob webs you better be damn skippy you need to flip that Rolodex to "P" for pipe layer.
I say all of this to say some people prefer have biddies hanging around to be able to call on them when they need a void filled. Just make sure you file them biddies correctly nothing worse than calling the wrong damn number.
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Sister, you post was inspiring in more ways that one. An old friend & I had a chance to talk about our old friendship recently. She does not hate me & I do not hate her. I am actually cool with her, but she wanted us to be good friends again & I told her no. My reason for saying no is because I desire to surround myself with people who really love & like me. I am sick of chilling with people who I have to have one eye open when I am around them. I want to have fun, not be fake or guarded all the time because I can not trust them. Thanks for posting this.