Friday, May 27, 2011

Daily Insight: The Alpha and The Omega

The Alpha and the Omega as many people know are commonly known as references to the beginning and the end. I was doing some reflecting on the events of 2011 and hell even the events of the past 24 years of my life. Every event I've ever been involved in is pretty damn classic! Now I'm not the stingy type so I'll share with you guys my interpretation of the the makings of a great event...

Let me start by saying no event worth being an event has only an Alpha and an Omega it has 3 equally important parts!! These parts are the hype, the event, and the recap.

Simply put that's what it comes down event is an event without 75 of your closest friends and associates hyping it for at least 3 weeks in advance. For instance the last couple of classic events have been referred to with hashtags all over the world wide web. For those of you who don't know a hastag is a symbol put in front of a word or phrase on twitter that everyone referring to this word or phrase uses. For example when 30 of my friends decided to take over 5 villas in the Poconos for a weekend DJ and all we referred to the weekend as #Pocs2011...from the moment that hashtag was incepted the hype began. Another classic event that just took place was the 90's party I had for my birthday last weekend. For a month leading up to the party all things said in reference to the party used #beckys90sparty. The hype is necessary and my friends know how to do it so well!!

The event is the next part of this can have all the hype in the world but the event MUST live up to the hype! For example the party bus we hosted for Howard Homecoming 2010 was a damn event led up to all the hype!

And finally is the recap...theres a couple different types of recaps. There's the call your girlfriends the next morning with the "giiiiiirllllllll what happened last night" recap. Theres the flipping through your mental Rolodex and piecing together the night. And then there's my personal favorite the photographi and video evidence. A picture is worth a thousand words and if the event is as good as it's supposed to be there will be a hundred thousand words.

So as I drive down to Ocean City for another event I'm sure it'll live up to the hype and I'll have the memories and evidence to prove it!


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