Monday, December 12, 2011

Daily Insight: A Little Mystery

A wise man once said “a wonderful fact to reflect upon, that every human creature is constituted to be that profound secret and mystery to every other.” This ever so eloquently written quote by Charles Dickens is about the mystery of people to one another. Now I know we are all not exactly English Literature majors here so I’ll break down what Charlie is trying to say into layman’s terms as best I can.

A little mystery in a person when you are first getting to know them goes a long way. Now, I’m not talking about the person you just met is hiding their criminal record, or 5 baby mommas, or that car they were driving around in is they best friends ride. I’m speaking of the kind of mystery that has you wondering about that person all day, and what they are into. Are they into you? What do they do in their spare time ect. I shouldn't be able to tell what you ate for lunch for the past two weeks, what your grandmas first name is, and how many second cousins you have before we even have a phone conversation.

I feel as though the age of technology has taken away from that mystery. When the person you just met immediately friends you on Facebook, follows you on Twitter, adds you on LinkedIn, tracks your every move on Foursquare, and even maybe digs up that Black Planet or Myspace page you used to have, the mystery is gone with the wind. I don’t necessarily want to be able to be stalked on social networking sites. What happened to getting to know someone through conversations, and dates, and not Facebook pictures, and witty banter on twitter?

I say this to say a little mystery goes a long way. When you meet that new person let that bitch breathe a bit. (That is an expression by the way, meaning do not smother a person, not necessarily a bitch…whew…that took too long to explain.) But back to my point, we all have imaginations, and perceptions of people for a reason, don’t let the average stalkers best tool also known as social networking ruin that.


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