Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Daily Insight: Patience

Wise men have said a lot of wise things about patience. Some said "Rome wasn't built in a day." Some men said "patience is a virtue..." and one more wise man said "be patient Roxanne I been waiting on you all my damn life." That last wise man was of course none other than my Father, talking to my Mother!

I say this to say that not everything and everyone in your life is exactly going to move at the pace that you would like. Job opportunities may not come along as fast as you want. The elusive Last Train To Paris Diddy album may seem as though it's never going to drop. That guy you met the other day might wait a couple of days to hit you up. The sun may not set fast enough for you cause it's blazing hip hop and R&B outside.

I say all of this to say, we can not control everything in our lives we are not the puppeteer here. And so when you feel like you don't want to wait anymore that nagging little emotion that we were taught so long ago will kick in. Let's face it all good things will come in time so as Jim Avery once said also "sit cho ass down and wait."


1 comment:


    JIM AVERY "sit cho ass down and wait."

