Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Daily Insight: Laugh At Yourself

I’ve gotten into the habit of quoting my damn self in these last couple of posts and might as well keep it going! I often speak of my friends and family in high regard, because that is exactly what they deserve. There is one common thread I’ve noticed in all of the people I decide to keep myself surrounded with. No one takes themselves too damn seriously!

I said actually the other day “never take yourself too seriously, because if you don’t laugh at yourself someone else surely will.” Understand there is a time and a place always to be stern and professional, but 75% of the time is not that time!

If the things we did were not meant to be laughed at I highly doubt God would of gave us senses of humor and the ability to be flawed. So when you are running full speed for the Long Island Rail Road and your boob almost pops out in the middle of Penn Station what can you do?! Of course you can do a kick the man who was staring at you in the throat or you can adjust yourself mid stride and catch that damn train.

Next time you’re on the subway and you’re dress rips all the way down the zipper in the back you could get mad a go straight home. Or you can grab a couple of safety pins and your friend’s jacket which is clearly smedium throw it on and continue to sashay through your night.

And next time you’re laying on the beach getting your tan on and a seagull decides to use your leg as a toilet you can get pissed and unsuccessfully try to strangle said seagull. Or you can use your friends t-shirt to wipe up the poop and run your ass in the ocean.

These are all situations I can recall so well because either I or my friends have dealt with. And we got a damn good laugh out of it. Causes guess what if the person it happened to wasn’t laughing you best believes my ass was! :)


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