Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Daily Insight: A Simple Call

We are living in a new age of socializing. People no longer take the time to use personal forms of communication, and it’s becoming more and more apparent everyday. I was at a concert the other day, and the host said “whose on Twitter, whose on FaceBook?!” I remember going to a concert and the host shouting out “whose from Queens, where’s Harlem at, Brooklynnnn” and I would be so waiting for them to shout out Long Island which they rarely did. I say this to make a point that new forms of communication and socializing are taking over our lives.

A wise man once said “all I wanna know is baby if what we had was good how come you don’t call me annnyyymorrreee?” That’s what I’m trying to figure out Alicia. Like when did getting a phone call from a guy become a rare treat like a friggin box of chocolates and text messages become the norm?

When did kids start to know more about bagging someone with emoticons than they do charming a girl in real life?! Nothing teaches people how to charm or skit as I like to call it then some good old fashioned face to face practice. Kids spend so much time behind a keyboard they forgot how to speak to people in real life. They talk in acronyms now too…no one want to hear you say LOL, laugh if something is really that damn funny.

Maybe I’m going on a tangent because I grew up in the infant stages of the internet. AIM was beyond popping, Black Planet was the be all end all, and I had a Nokia phone with a face plate. And I was wayyyy more interested in playing snake than sending text messages.

I’m not saying we should revert back to B.C. forms of communication. No one is saying we should send smoke signals, or carve on a stone tablet but let’s just try to remember that human interaction is necessary. Believe me you can’t skit your way through life from behind a keyboard.


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