Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Daily Insight: 525,600 Minutes

Another year down people how crazy is it?? I feel like it was just yesterday when 2010 was being rung in and my friends head was in a trash can before midnight…but I digress..

2010 came and went but what will you say about this year when you look back on it? A wise man once said “525,600 minutes, 525,600 moments so dear, 525,600 minutes how will you measure, measure a year? In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights, in cups of coffee, in inches in miles, in laugher, in strife, in 525,600 minutes, how do you measure a year in the life??”

This year for me personally was filled with ups and downs like a rollercoaster. High highs and some pretty low lows. But the point is that I remember and cherish the highs and take the lows as a lesson. Life is too short to waste a year no matter how fast it flys by.

If you look back on 2010 and can’t really remember anything maybe you should lay off the mind altering substances it really may be killing brain cells. If you look back on 2010 and didn’t accomplish that goal that you wanted to because you didn’t have enough time but, had enough time to complain about it you should rethink what you spend your time doing. If you spent 2010 getting your heart broken maybe you should close down your account on Match.com, everything comes in due time, and cupid doesn’t like to be rushed.

But most of all if you spent your 525,600 minutes of 2010 not making memories that will last a lifetime you may have wasted a year.


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