Monday, August 30, 2010

Daily Insight: This Was A Wise Ass Man

I decided to switch it up a little bit today and just let you know what a wise man said and leave it at that. A wise man once said "Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So love the people who treat you right, forgive the ones who don't and believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance take it. If it changes your life let it. Nobody said it would be easy they just promised it would be worth it."


Thursday, August 26, 2010

Daily Insight: Dear Summer

A wise man once said "Dear Summer I know you gonnna miss me..." we all know the rest. Sean Carter pretty much went in on this one we can all agree on that.

With the end of August in the very near future and that dreadful weekend coming up that indicates the end of the best 3 months of the year there's a question you have to ask yourself..

Did your ass do anything significant this summer?? Did you go to a couple of BBQ's that may or may not have gotten shot up? Did you chase the ice-cream man down once or twice? Did you get some melanin working for your pale ass? Did you have a summer fling? Did you refuse to go somewhere without AC? Did the back of your legs stick to a hot ass leather couch? Did you run through that sprinkler on them hot days? Did you have a summer fling? Did you sweat your hair out the same day you got it done? Did you hit some rooftop happy hours? Did you take a trip?

Everyone's summer experience is going to be different the trick is making each one a summer to remember! So hurry up you still got a few days left to do something significantly summer-ish!


Monday, August 16, 2010

Daily Insight: Simple Pleasures

Life is about the simple pleasures like riding on the LIRR with the A/C not on a million..drinking a caramel frappacino....sitting across from a cutie...blasting good ass music from you iPhone which should've died hours ago but miraculously hasn't. Maybe these are just some of the little things that make me stop and say "damn life is good." I encourage everyone to seek out those things and make them known...

Whether it be having a guy buy you a drink at the club just because...and not harassing you for the rest of the night...or it be catching your favorite movie on BET instead of TBS cause everyone knows TBS changes curse words instead of just bleeping them out...or maybe reacpping a hilarious weekend with your friends...

No matter what the simple pleasures are they need to be recognized and taken for what they are...they're little daily reminders that life is damn good!


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Daily Insight: Forecast

A wise man once said "we used to use umbrellas to face the bad weather now we travel first class to change the forecast." Now I know were not all Jay Z with a private jet and all but this still rings true! As I was standing in line for the MegaBus this morning it started to drizzle on my fresh due...needless to say I was a bit irritated but none the less prepared. As I relayed this to my friend that has blessed us with her wisdom before she inspired me to relay this message:

The weather man may not always be right so you have to be prepared for anything. Mr.G might be taking about showers so you're walking around in rain boots all day in 90 degree weather...guess what you should have a pair of sandals as back up to let them dogs breathe. If Al Roker predicts hurricane 49 mph winds you damn well should make sure you have on some shorts under that skirt..don't want a good gust pulling a Marilyn Monroe on you. And if says it's gonna be a cool summer day and it ends up blazing Hip Hop and R&B outside you better be able to peel some layers off..

I say this to say you need to be prepared for any situation..depending on a chubby Black man on your news station telling you what to expect from Mother Nature is the blind leading the blind. Make sure you prepare yourself for everything because you don't want to be that one idiot wearing sandals in 56 degree weather!


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Daily Insight: Rearview Mirror

A wise man once said "there's a reason your rearview mirror is so much smaller than you's because you're supposed to be looking forward not back.." This came from a sort of random source but it rings so true in so many situations!

When you run into that old boyfriend that just meant so much to you, and exchange might glance into that rearview mirror, but where is that going to take you?? Newsflash ya'll ain't 17 anymore. When you come back home from college and you're not satisfied hugging the block...don't be surprised you shouldn't be you're looking into the windshield. When you look back on your younger pictures and have that "what the hell was I thinking" should know that you will never go back to that anyway.

The windshield represents the future and until a time machine is invented the past is something that will stay in the past. So go ahead and adjust that rearview mirror to be able to learn from the past but make sure you keep your eyes on the road.


Monday, August 9, 2010

Daily Insight: Signs

Everyone comes across signs in their lives. I know everyone has seen the late 1980's African American staple The Color Purple. If you haven't you might be living under a rock, or you may not have a Dad that made you sit through the whole thing similar to mine. I say that to use a famous quote from the movie..."God is trying to tell you something." Everyone has had those moments where they get that gut feeling or maybe even recognize something but sometimes choose to ignore it. Those are the signs that can be quite valuable.

Whether it's when you pull up to the club, and everyone looks like they're 17. That's a sign you are too old to be on the scene..take that ass home and try again. It may be you running into someone from your past after not seeing them for 09239 years. That's a sign that maybe there was some kind of unfinished business. If you're always the only one drunk at the party, maybe just maybe it's not always that kind of party, take that as a sign that everything is not more fun drunk. If you're always asking people to follow you on twitter but no one responds. Guess what that might be a sign that you need to go ahead and chill out.

I say all of this to say that your life is filled with signs and they're not written in some kind of cryptic language. So the next time one of those signs drop kicks you in the face, take heed God may trying to be tell you something.
