Friday, July 29, 2011

Daily Insight: The Art Of The Skit

I learned a lot of things during my tenure at the greatest school in the world. A lot of those were life lessons; one I cherish a bit more than all of the others. And that my friend is the art of the “skit.”

The art of the skit is basically bs’ing 101. Meaning using your quick thinking and poker face to get yourself out of a lot of potentially asinine situations. I like to think of myself as having a Doctorate, a black belt, a certification, and a hood pass all in the art of the skit. Believe me it’s taken me a long way in life.

Whether it’s telling a job you’re traveling abroad the summer after you graduate and can’t start until September so you can have your summer off. Or talking your way down to the front of the Rick Ross concert so close you can see the sweat dripping down his beard (eww). Even getting to the airport 30 minutes before your flight leaves and somehow still making it through security and on the plane in time.

The art of the skit has to be taught by example that’s the way the best learn. But be careful you don’t want to become the boy who cried wolf. That one person who constantly gets the side eye from the people you attempt to skit because you’ve used an excuse one too many times. There’s only so many times your Mom can be having surgery and needs someone to drive her from the doctor so you have to leave work 4 hours early. As Jay said “we don’t believe you…you need more people.”

With that being said I’ll continue to use my 12 vacation days to equal out to 14 actual vacations. Happy skitting my friends. J


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Daily Insight: Run On Sentence

Beyonce recently compared love to algebra saying “I don’t know much about algebra but I know 1+1=2.” Although that wasn’t really algebra more like arithmetic Bey, I get where she was going with it. With that being said my friends came up with another elementary metaphor for love that rang too true to me today. Who knew a bunch of 20 something’s could be so insightful?

A wise man once said “love is like a run on sentence, there will be many comas, many ellipses (…), and many exclamation points but only a few periods. Those periods are going to be those people that come into your life and make you stop in your tracks. Now for those of us that weren’t really paying attention in English class grades 5-12, let me break down what I mean by the rest of the punctuation I mentioned in love’s run on sentence.

A coma will be a biddie that will come along and maybe make you pause for a second, you know let them take you on a few dates, share a few funny moments, hell maybe even a peck, but they are just a pause. They are there just long enough for you to catch your breath and to continue on with your sentence. I know we all know these. They are a dime a dozen.

Then there are the ellipses. An ellipse is a fancy word for those dot dot dot (…) biddies. I had to go ahead and use a quote from the very trusty Urban Dictionary to truly define these biddies. The Urban Dictionary defines an ellipse triple dot of awkwardness a way to say that you're not really sure, or lets just not talk about it. How many of us have felt that way about a biddie after we’ve truly gotten to know them. It’s the “ok then…” kinda biddies. The ones that you just hope will get the message after you stop picking up their phone calls…

And of course there are those exclamation point biddies!!! Now I can admit in real life I am a serial over-exclamation point user. I use about a million of them when only one is necessary. These are used to describe those biddies that come into your life out of nowhere and this whirlwind romance you have is just amazing, but just as quickly as they came they are gone. Those biddies are fleeting feelings that feel great in the moment but are probably over used.

And then of course there is the period. The biddie that makes you want to stop everything to be with them. The period is the proverbial end of the run-on sentence of love. Of course we will all have a couple of periods in our sentence, the trick is to recognize when one comes along and make sure when you begin a new sentence you know how to punctuate properly.


Friday, July 8, 2011

Daily Insight: Summer Time

In case you've been living under a rock and haven't noticed it's summer time. Less clothes, more sweated out roots, and mandals everywhere. Summer also brings out the biddingtons. Yes they come from far and wide, hood BBQs, rooftops, and all white parties. Now I'm gonna go ahead and hit you guys with the male and female perspective of what this means.

On the male side a wise man once said "when the tops come down chicks tops come down." Yes indeed they do. Now I'm not saying this in the literal sense like people are walking around flashing each other like it's the Freak Nik but let's be real things do get quite hectic in the summer. Less clothes equals more thirst and those guys are gonna be doing what they can to ensure at least some tops are coming down.

Now on the female side of things all these biddies are falling like Summer Rain *Carl Thomas voice*. A wise man once said "when it's raining men you don't run for cover you get your rain boots and splash around in the puddles!"

Summer time brings a lot things and makes a lot of memories. So fellas make sure you let some tops down and ladies make sure you splash around in them damn puddles!! I know I damn sure will be!!
