Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Daily Insight: Be The Change You Wish To See

A wiseman once said "sour apple bitter bitches I ain't messing with them." I know this is not the most eloquently written statement, but Gucci Man was spitting truth none the less.

When life throws us some shade, as it tends to do from time to time, you can't let that change your outlook. You must keep an optimistic, or positive view no matter how hard it may be at the time. At the end of the day we are all attracting exactly what we give out.

If you give out sour apple bitter bitch vibes, best believe you'll attract people just like that. If you believe all men or women ain't shit you'll attract those kinds of people.

Life is all about reciprocity, don't get caught out here handing out and receiving bad vibes from life, cause ain't no one, not even a half illiterate, gold teeth wearing, rapper such as Gucci mane ain't messing with you.
