Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Daily Insight: A Simple Call

We are living in a new age of socializing. People no longer take the time to use personal forms of communication, and it’s becoming more and more apparent everyday. I was at a concert the other day, and the host said “whose on Twitter, whose on FaceBook?!” I remember going to a concert and the host shouting out “whose from Queens, where’s Harlem at, Brooklynnnn” and I would be so waiting for them to shout out Long Island which they rarely did. I say this to make a point that new forms of communication and socializing are taking over our lives.

A wise man once said “all I wanna know is baby if what we had was good how come you don’t call me annnyyymorrreee?” That’s what I’m trying to figure out Alicia. Like when did getting a phone call from a guy become a rare treat like a friggin box of chocolates and text messages become the norm?

When did kids start to know more about bagging someone with emoticons than they do charming a girl in real life?! Nothing teaches people how to charm or skit as I like to call it then some good old fashioned face to face practice. Kids spend so much time behind a keyboard they forgot how to speak to people in real life. They talk in acronyms now too…no one want to hear you say LOL, laugh if something is really that damn funny.

Maybe I’m going on a tangent because I grew up in the infant stages of the internet. AIM was beyond popping, Black Planet was the be all end all, and I had a Nokia phone with a face plate. And I was wayyyy more interested in playing snake than sending text messages.

I’m not saying we should revert back to B.C. forms of communication. No one is saying we should send smoke signals, or carve on a stone tablet but let’s just try to remember that human interaction is necessary. Believe me you can’t skit your way through life from behind a keyboard.


Monday, November 22, 2010

Daily Insight: Dickens

A wise man once said "it was the best of times, and it was the worse of times." Now I'm not literary savant or anything but I can related to what Dickens is saying here.

Every extremely high point in life is unfortunately coupled with a low point. The trick of it all is to never take the high points for granted and never think the low points will be around forever.

All you can do is thank the man upstairs for the good times and ask for some guidance like a map in the Mall of America when the bad times hit. And be thankful you have the capacity to experience both because they make you appreciate each one even more.


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Daily Insight: Laugh At Yourself

I’ve gotten into the habit of quoting my damn self in these last couple of posts and might as well keep it going! I often speak of my friends and family in high regard, because that is exactly what they deserve. There is one common thread I’ve noticed in all of the people I decide to keep myself surrounded with. No one takes themselves too damn seriously!

I said actually the other day “never take yourself too seriously, because if you don’t laugh at yourself someone else surely will.” Understand there is a time and a place always to be stern and professional, but 75% of the time is not that time!

If the things we did were not meant to be laughed at I highly doubt God would of gave us senses of humor and the ability to be flawed. So when you are running full speed for the Long Island Rail Road and your boob almost pops out in the middle of Penn Station what can you do?! Of course you can do a kick the man who was staring at you in the throat or you can adjust yourself mid stride and catch that damn train.

Next time you’re on the subway and you’re dress rips all the way down the zipper in the back you could get mad a go straight home. Or you can grab a couple of safety pins and your friend’s jacket which is clearly smedium throw it on and continue to sashay through your night.

And next time you’re laying on the beach getting your tan on and a seagull decides to use your leg as a toilet you can get pissed and unsuccessfully try to strangle said seagull. Or you can use your friends t-shirt to wipe up the poop and run your ass in the ocean.

These are all situations I can recall so well because either I or my friends have dealt with. And we got a damn good laugh out of it. Causes guess what if the person it happened to wasn’t laughing you best believes my ass was! :)


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Daily Insight: Let The Dust Settle

Throughout my adolescent and early adult years it would be safe to say that I know how to have a good time. I don’t let too many opportunities to have a classic time pass me up, and my friends are the same way. This leads to a hectic social life of which can be exhausting at times.

When did Thursday turn into the new Friday and the unofficial start of the weekend??? Oh yea I remember…it was when I was in school and there was no class on Fridays…no responsibilities, no reason to wake up early, leaving all reason to WYLE Thursday out! But what was the excuse for the rest of the week?? This lounge pops on Mondays, this happy hour goes on Tuesdays, ahh duh Wasted Wednesdays! That was the narrative of my life…

But now that I am not in the collegiate atmosphere anymore you would think the script would change along with the scenery right?? WRONG! I live my life to the fullest and have no regrets (at least after a few cups of caffeine filled tea). But there comes a time when you just need to go ahead and sit down and let some dust settle on that ass. I’m not saying you need to go to into a social sleep coma like Rip Van Winkle and wake up 30 years later with you best years behind you. All I am saying is maybe not every party is meant to be attended, not every happy hour needs to be wyled out, and not every open bar needs to be taken full advantage of….Ok wait, I lied open bars ALWAYS need to be taken advantage of lol!

But you get the picture…so as the winter months are being forced upon us at a rapid pace by Jack Frost himself take this opportunity to let a bit of dust settle on that ass. And when you brush your shoulders off, it’ll make that triumphant return to the scene that much more triumphant


Monday, November 8, 2010

Daily Insight: Pul-Pitting

A wise man once said “until we all without sin let’s stop the pul-pitting.” If you don’t get the metaphor maybe you should brush up on your Jay Z lyrics a bit. I feel as though we are all guilty of this in our own ways. Most of us I know for a fact ain’t no damn Judge Judy so what gives us the right to sit on our high horses and judge other people?? We don’t ….that’s the simple answer we don’t have that right.

Next time you see someone you might turn your nose up at or do something you don’t approve of why don’t you take a step into their shoes? No one is perfect and that is completely evident in everyday life. So what gives you the right to determine if the next person is anymore flawed than you?

It’s just something to think about next time you open your mouth to convey a judgmental thought…I know I’m not without sin and I ain’t pul-pitting.


Friday, November 5, 2010

Daily Insight: I Need You

A wise man once said “I could be congresswoman…or a garbage woman..or Police officer… or a carpenter..I could be a doctor and a lawyer and a mother and a good girl…God what you've done to me kind of lover I could be…I could be a computer analyst, the Queen with the nappy hair raising her fist….or I could be much more and a myriad of this hot as the summer, sweet as the first kiss. And even though I can do all these things I need you..and even though I can do all these things we need you…”

Jilly from Philly speaks truth ladies and gentlemen. I feel as though way too often in this society people women especially have this “I can do bad all by myself” mentality. Yes we know that our accomplishments are our accomplishments, and we are damn proud of them. I would encourage everyone to be fiercely independent at all times. But there are those people in your life that you can put down the Queen Latifah U.N.I.T.Y. independency by the waist side and say you know what I need you.

People are way too quick to dismiss those that we truly need for fear of seeming weak. But you know what sometimes you just gotta get weak like SWV weak. And you don’t know whose day you can make with those three simple words.

So next time you are all on your “uh uhhhh I can do this by myself I don’t need you cause Beyonce told me I’m independent” take a step back and realize it’s not going to kill you to say you know what I need you.


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Daily Insight: Seasoned

Every now and again..well let me be more specific every 5 minutes or a thought pops into my mind that makes me chuckle to myself. And sometimes when I think it’s extra funny I’ll share it with whomever I am around. As my friends and I were driving down I95 on our way to homecoming a conversation we had caused a thought to pop into my head.

A wise man once said “they call me a young Phil Jackson in the hood cause I’m seasoned in the game.” Now for those of you who do not have your sarcasm decoder on hand Phil Jackson is the head coach of the Los Angeles Lakers, and has been since BC time. I am saying this to say that no matter what you do in life make sure that you have some type of experience.

If you are the type to bust into splits mid-air on a moving party bus make sure you have done such an act before…if not the result can get quite messy. If you are the type to check through your significant others phone while he or she is asleep at least make sure you know the code so you don’t lock the phone completely entering a wrong passcode 6 times. If you know you have to stare at an excel sheet and do vLookup’s all day for your job at least know a tutorial website you can go to when you forget how to do that joint. If you’re someone who constantly exaggerates the truth make sure you tell two people who might compare notes a similar story…otherwise that ven diagram can be looking a little shaky and you can look like a liar. If you have to miss work cause you can’t let your friends have all the fun on a popping ass weekend make sure you have a full fledged excuse on deck…in case you were wondering the “family emergency” line works everytime.
If you are the type to dip off all the time just make sure you have a way to get your ass home in the morning cause I ain't bringing you back. And if you have the cajones to borrow an entire bottle of Grey Goose from your table at the club make sure you play it off cool enough to not draw attention to the huge lump under your coat ;).

Not everyone is going to be an expert at everything…all I am saying is whatever you find yourself doing make sure they call you a young Phil Jackson in the hood.
