Thursday, February 17, 2011

Daily Insight: Balance You Out

I have so many good people in my life right now and that was reiterated on Valentines Day with all of the heartfelt messages from none other than my friends. My biddies from day one. I would like to think I have surrounded myself with a pretty hilarious group of people all with our individual quirks, and opinions.

I have come to conclusion that you should surround yourself with people that will constantly balance you out. If you’re not one to ride cheeks to often for whatever reason, be it pride or you just don’t know how to…make sure you have that friend that will ride them cheeks like a damn rodeo. Now when I say “ride cheeks” I mean for example that friend that will always get you the perks of knowing someone in a good place. Whether it’s the dude in Vegas with the key to the city, or the hoodbooger with the hookup to Crown Fried. Ride them cheeks!

If you always go for a particular kind of guy or gal sort of on the Jamie Foxx “always fall for your type” tip make sure you have that friend that is always going to have a taste in the opposite sex completely different from yours. If you always go for the sultry, granola, corporate America types, make sure you have that friend that is a “sucker for corn rows and manicure toes pretty Capri pants and parasucos.”

I say this to say that the people you surround yourself should be able to balance you out. It’s a give and take relationship. My friends give me happiness and I take it.


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